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Containment Coatings


    Ensuring that your industrial facility meets environmental standards is not only necessary but essential to guaranteeing its sustainability. Many industries require containment coatings to prevent hazardous chemicals and materials from polluting the environment. However, traditional containment systems made of concrete or steel may not be ideal for every situation. That’s where polyurea comes in. In this blog post, we will explore how polyurea is the perfect solution for containment problems.

    Secondary containment box


    ArmorThane products prevent oil, fuel and chemical spills from creating environmental hazards, extensive property damage and potential personnel exposure. With the diversity of applications for our products, dealers are taking the Mobile Coatings Units into oil fields and industrial sites to contain a variety of materials.

    This involves dealers building berms and trenches using geotextile materials such as soil, sand and gravel then spraying a coating of either polyurethane or polyurea. This has proven to be the best solution since concrete or metal containment can deteriorate over time and is more expensive than geotextile components.


    Polyurea is a durable solution for primary and secondary containment. Its physical properties make it a perfect choice for many industries. Polyurea is a flexible material that can be applied to any shape or size of a surface, meaning that you can coat complex shapes without causing stress or cracks on the surface. You can use it as a barrier to contain lubricants, acids, or any chemical compound prone to spillage. Polyurea coatings are even safe for food-processing equipment as they do not contain any volatile organic compounds or solvents. Polyurea can also withstand large temperature changes and extreme weather conditions, making it a resilient material for outdoor facilities.

    Another reason to use polyurea for secondary containment is that it is easy to install. Polyurea coatings are sprayed in place, so you do not need to cut or weld the material, reducing labor costs and downtime. The quick curing time of polyurea coatings is also a huge advantage to any plant owner as they can go back to operation in no time. On the other hand, traditional coatings like concrete require a longer curing time and can be affected by weather conditions, which may cause delays in the project.

    Polyurea also boasts high resistance to abrasion and impact. Equipment and human traffic can easily harm a secondary containment area, but polyurea coating is designed to withstand these kinds of damage. In addition, polyurea coatings are also resistant to chemical and water immersion. These types of coatings are also highly durable, and once installed, it will keep the secondary containment fully functional for years to come.

    Using polyurea coatings can also benefit the environment. Containing hazardous materials is a must for any facility; using polyurea in containment systems helps safeguard the environment from pollutants. Furthermore, polyurea does not contain any harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or toxins that could harm the environment. If a spill or accident should occur, you can easily clean it up without worrying about environmental repercussions.


    Polyurea is a cost-effective, durable, and practical solution for secondary containment in any industrial facility. Its physical properties make it an excellent choice for complex shapes, temperature changes, and outdoor installations. The quick curing time and ease of installation are also factors that make polyurea coatings an obvious choice for containment systems. The added advantage of resistance to abrasion, impact, and chemicals, along with its environmental benefits, like VOC and toxin-free makeup, makes polyurea the perfect solution for any secondary containment needs.

    ArmorThane Polyurea is a superior option for secondary containment solutions. Our polyurea is meticulously engineered to ensure the utmost safety and provide dependable and long-lasting containment solutions that are not only cost-effective but also effortless to install. Our polyurea is composed of a unique blend that exhibits exceptional resistance to a wide array of chemicals, rendering it ideal for environments that demand additional safeguarding.

    Cost-Effective Solutions

    ArmorThane Polyurea offers an excellent choice for cost-effective containment solutions. Our polyurea is effortless to install, saving you both time and money. Additionally, our polyurea is highly resistant to majority of chemicals, reducing the frequency of replacement as compared to other containment materials.

    Adaptable and Customizable

    We provide customizable and versatile solutions with our ArmorThane Polyurea. Our polyurea can be effortlessly applied to any surface, making it ideal for meeting diverse containment needs. Furthermore, it can be tailored to match the aesthetics and functionality of your facility, offering a visually appealing and dependable containment solution.

    In today’s fast-paced world, where efficacy and durability are of utmost importance, polyurea-based secondary containment solutions present a cutting-edge and innovative approach to safeguarding the environment and your assets. For professionals operating in industries that handle hazardous waste and materials, polyurea-based secondary containment systems offer a distinct advantage over alternative materials, enabling the safe and secure containment of hazardous leaks, spills, and waste.


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