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Protecting Soldiers and Civilians from Explosive Threats

Today blasts and ballistic impacts pose a greater threat to both soldiers and civilians than at any other point in history. The rise of terror groups and spread of extremist ideologies combined with boiling geopolitical tensions and more accessible weapons technology have created harrowing new challenges in protecting the lives of our servicemen and the sanctity of our public spaces. Blast mitigation coatings are designed to provide a first layer of defense against the threat of explosions by strengthening structures and equipment to protect occupants and minimize material damage. These coatings are made of robust polyurea technology that can be easily applied to almost any surface, absorbing explosive impacts to maintain structural integrity and safeguard invaluable human life before, during, and after a blast.  

polyurea coatings for BLAST MITIGATION

Polyurea is a versatile technology that’s used as a protective coating for countless industrial and commercial applications, from truck bedliners and secondary containment systems to radar absorbance or farm equipment. Its widespread use is thanks to its highly modular physical properties, which generally exhibit high flexibility, robust durability, and strong chemical resistivity. Depending on the formulation, polyurea coatings can also offer UV protection and customizable colors and finishes that are perfect for outdoor applications or projects that can’t compromise on aesthetics. And unlike traditional alternatives, polyurea is solvent-free, VOC-free, and made of 100% solids, protecting people and property at no risk to the environment. 

Together these properties make polyurea the ideal technology for blast mitigation coatings, where they can effectively prevent structural failure and minimize casualties in case of an explosive event. Instead of exposing structures to the full force of a blast, polyurea creates a watertight barrier that can effectively absorb and dissipate energy to reduce the load on underlying structures. Polyurea formulations are engineered to resist the harsh conditions of an explosive blast, and can perform under extreme conditions including temperatures of up to 350°F. This has seen polyurea coatings used in military installations, armored vehicles, safe rooms, and anywhere else facing the risk of blasts or ballistic impacts.